
How to run better?

Improving your running performance involves a combination of factors, including physical conditioning, proper technique, treadmills and mental strategies. Here are some tips to help you run better:

Get Ideal Treadmills:

DeerRun Treadmills are good for people to use at home. It is foldable and smart. You can have competitions with other people by using our treadmills to link to the fitness app - PitPat.

Set Clear Goals:

Define your running goals, whether it's increasing your distance, improving your speed, or achieving a specific race target. Having clear objectives will guide your training.

Start Gradually: 

If you're new to running or returning after a break, start slowly. Gradually increase your mileage and intensity to prevent overuse injuries.

Warm-Up and Cool Down: 

Always warm up with dynamic stretches and exercises before running, and cool down with static stretches afterward to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.

Proper Running Form:

  • Maintain good posture: Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and head up.
  • Use a midfoot or forefoot strike: Avoid heel striking, as it can lead to injuries.
  • Keep your arms at a 90-degree angle and swing them naturally to maintain balance.
  • Land softly: Try to land with a slight bend in your knees to absorb shock.

Increase Cadence: 

Aim for a higher cadence (number of steps per minute) to reduce the risk of overstriding and to improve running efficiency.

Strength Training: 

Incorporate strength training exercises, especially for your legs, core, and upper body, to improve overall running strength and stability.

Flexibility and Mobility: 

Regularly work on your flexibility and mobility through stretching and foam rolling to prevent muscle tightness and improve range of motion.

Proper Footwear: 

Invest in quality running shoes that provide adequate support and cushioning. Get fitted at a specialty running store to find the right pair for your foot type and running style.


Mix in cross-training activities like swimming, cycling, or strength training to prevent overuse injuries and improve overall fitness.

Interval Training: 

Incorporate interval workouts into your training routine. This involves alternating between high-intensity running and recovery periods. It can help improve speed and endurance.

Hill Training: 

Running hills can build strength and improve your running technique. Include hill workouts in your routine to increase leg power.


Consistent training is key to improvement. Create a training schedule and stick to it as closely as possible.

Rest and Recovery: 

Give your body time to recover between hard workouts. Rest days are essential to prevent burnout and overtraining.


Maintain a balanced diet to fuel your workouts and aid recovery. Stay hydrated and consider fueling during long runs with energy gels or snacks.

Mental Toughness: 

Develop mental strategies to push through fatigue and stay motivated. Visualization, positive self-talk, and goal setting can help improve mental resilience.

Listen to Your Body: 

Pay attention to any signs of injury or overtraining, and don't push through pain. Rest and seek medical advice if needed.

Join a Running Group: 

Running with others can provide motivation, accountability, and a sense of community.

Track Your Progress: 

Keep a running log to track your mileage, times, and how you feel during runs. This can help you identify patterns and make necessary adjustments to your training plan.

Remember that improvement in running takes time and patience. Be consistent, stay motivated, and continually assess and adjust your training to reach your running goals.


What are the benefits of doing a treadmill?

As people become more aware of fitness, more and more people are equipped with home treadmills. Why everyone needs to have a treadmill of their own? What are the benefits of doing a treadmill?

Say goodbye to a bloated body.

Losing weight is the reason why many people start running on a treadmill in the first place. Running is proven to be the best form of exercise because it burns more calories per minute than any other exercise.

Prevents bone and muscle deterioration.

Sitting in front of a computer for long hours makes our bones weaker and weaker. Consistent treadmill running can further promote the growth of human hormones by increasing the body's protein levels, which build up our body's muscles.

Fight disease and reduce the risk of stroke or breast cancer. Those who consistently run on the treadmill can improve their immunity.

This is because it not only reduces the risk of blood clots and increases lung capacity, but also strengthens the user's immunity by increasing the number of lymphocytes in the body.

Improve blood circulation and increase the percentage of aerobic exercise.

Experimental results show that using a treadmill can effectively increase the heart rate by 50%. Meanwhile, prolonged aerobic exercise, such as running, can improve people's cardiorespiratory function. The improvement of cardiorespiratory function can slow down the aging of the human body to a certain extent and play an antioxidant role.

Calm your emotions.

The famous "peak running experience" shows that running can relieve stress, and jogging can improve your mental state. When you run on a treadmill, your body releases a substance that gives you a sense of joy (the runner's peak experience).

Because of the many benefits of a treadmill, you can feel the joy that exercise gives you without leaving your house. Just like the emergence of DeerRun, it not only gives consumers a wide choice of space but also gives users a good running experience.


How do I choose a good treadmill?

Choosing a good treadmill requires considering several factors that align with your fitness goals, available space, and budget. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you select the right treadmill:

Determine Your Budget: 

Decide how much you are willing to invest in a treadmill. Treadmills come in a wide price range, so having a budget in mind will narrow down your options.

Consider Your Fitness Goals: 

Determine your fitness objectives, whether walking, jogging, running, or intense training. Different treadmills cater to various fitness levels and activities.

Available Space: 

Measure the space where you plan to place the treadmill. Consider the treadmill's dimensions and ensure it fits comfortably in the designated area. DeerRun under desk treadmill is easy to use and space-saving.

Motor Power: 

Look for a treadmill with a motor that meets your workout needs. A motor with 2.0 to 2.5 CHP (Continuous Horsepower) should be sufficient for walking or light jogging. Aim for a motor with at least 3.0 CHP for running or intense training.

Running Surface: 

Check the treadmill's running surface dimensions. Opt for a belt at least 50 inches long and 20 inches wide for comfortable running.

Speed and Incline Range: 

Ensure the treadmill offers a suitable speed range for your desired workout intensity. Most treadmills reach speeds of 10 to 12 mph. Additionally, consider treadmills with adjustable inclines to add variety to your workouts.

Cushioning and Shock Absorption: 

Look for a treadmill with good shock absorption to reduce the impact on your joints and minimize the risk of injuries.

Console Features: 

Check the treadmill's console for user-friendly controls, pre-programmed workouts, and display features like heart rate, distance, time, and calories burned.

Heart Rate Monitoring: 

Some treadmills have built-in heart rate monitors or are compatible with external chest straps. Heart rate monitoring helps you track your workout intensity and progress.

Weight Capacity: 

Ensure the treadmill's weight capacity exceeds your body weight to ensure stability and durability.

Additional Features: 

Consider additional features like built-in speakers, cooling fans, tablet holders, or Bluetooth connectivity for entertainment and motivation during workouts.

Warranty and Customer Reviews: 

Check the treadmill's warranty to ensure adequate coverage. Additionally, read customer reviews and ratings to gain insights into the treadmill's performance and durability.

Test It Out: 

If possible, visit a fitness equipment store to try out different treadmills. Test the ones that meet your criteria and see how they feel and operate.

Remember, choosing a good treadmill is a personal decision that should align with your fitness needs and preferences. Take your time to research and compare different models to find the one that best suits your requirements and provides an enjoyable workout experience. 


Why Do People Buy Treadmills?

People have adopted various fitness practices in pursuing a healthier lifestyle over the years. One of the most popular and versatile pieces of exercise equipment is the treadmill. Its widespread popularity is evident in gym settings to home gyms. This blog will explore why people buy treadmills and how the DeerRun brand has revolutionized the fitness experience.

Health and Fitness Goals

Weight Management: 

One of the primary reasons people invest in treadmills is to manage their weight. Regular treadmill workouts can help burn calories, leading to gradual weight loss and improved body composition.

Cardiovascular Health: 

Treadmills offer an effective way to engage in cardiovascular exercises. Running or brisk walking on a treadmill helps strengthen the heart, improves blood circulation, and reduces the risk of heart disease.


With increasingly busy schedules, individuals often prefer having a treadmill at home to save time and avoid commuting to a gym. The convenience factor is a significant driver for treadmill purchases.

Privacy and Comfort: 

For some, the idea of exercising in the comfort of their homes, away from the judgmental eyes of others, is a compelling reason to buy a treadmill.

Weather and Time Constraints

Weather Independence: 

Treadmills provide a practical solution for individuals living in regions with extreme weather conditions. Whether it's too hot, cold, or raining outside, users can maintain their exercise routine without hindrance.

Workout Anytime: 

Treadmills allow users to work out at any time. Whether it's early morning or late at night, users can set their schedule without worrying about gym operating hours.

Customization and Versatility

Fitness Tracking and Programs: 

Modern treadmills like those offered by DeerRun can link to a fitness app - PitPat. People can take some training lessons and have some competitions on it freely.

Low-Impact Options: 

For individuals with joint issues or injuries, treadmills provide a low-impact alternative to outdoor running, making it gentler on the joints while maintaining a rigorous workout.

Accountability and Motivation

Goal Monitoring: 

A treadmill at home allows users to set specific fitness goals and track their progress regularly. The tangible improvements observed over time can motivate you to keep going.

Virtual Training and Competitions: 

Many modern treadmills, including DeerRun models, can link to fitness app to offer virtual training sessions and online competitions that enhance the sense of community and motivation to push harder during workouts.

Long-Term Investment


While the upfront cost of a treadmill may seem substantial, it can be a cost-effective investment in the long run, especially when compared to expensive gym memberships.

Family Fitness: 

Treadmills can cater to the fitness needs of the entire family. As a result, purchasing a high-quality treadmill like DeerRun becomes a holistic investment in the health and well-being of the household.


The popularity of treadmills stems from their ability to cater to various health and fitness needs. With DeerRun as a leading brand in the fitness industry, individuals can access innovative and feature-rich treadmills that offer a holistic workout experience. 

From convenience and customization to motivation and cost-effectiveness, the reasons why people buy treadmills are diverse and continue to drive the fitness revolution. 

So, whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or a beginner looking to kickstart your journey toward a healthier lifestyle, a DeerRun treadmill might be the perfect addition to your fitness arsenal.


CrossFit vs. Treadmill: Finding the Perfect Fitness Regimen

When it comes to achieving optimal fitness, the choices seem endless. Two popular and effective fitness regimens, CrossFit and treadmill workouts, have gained massive followings in recent years. Both options offer unique benefits, attracting fitness enthusiasts with their distinct approaches to exercise. In this blog, we'll explore the differences between CrossFit and treadmill workouts, highlighting the pros and cons of each to help you determine which is the better fit for your fitness goals and preferences.

CrossFit: Community and Intensity

CrossFit has taken the fitness world by storm, transforming exercise into a communal and competitive experience. Originating as a combination of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and functional movements, CrossFit aims to improve overall fitness through various workouts called "WODs" (Workouts of the Day). 


Here are some key aspects of CrossFit:

a. Community Support: One of the most significant advantages of CrossFit is its strong sense of community. Participants train together, share experiences, and push each other to reach their limits. This camaraderie creates a motivating and supportive environment, fostering a strong sense of belonging and encouraging regular attendance.

b. Versatility: CrossFit workouts incorporate a diverse range of movements, including weightlifting, gymnastics, cardio, and bodyweight exercises. This variety keeps workouts exciting, challenging different muscle groups and preventing boredom.

c. Intensity: CrossFit thrives on high-intensity workouts, often pushing participants beyond their comfort zones. This intensity can lead to accelerated fitness gains but also requires proper form and caution to avoid injuries.

Treadmill: Convenience and Control

Treadmill workouts, on the other hand, provide a more controlled and individualized approach to fitness. Running or walking on a quiet treadmill is a common exercise routine found in gyms and homes worldwide. Here are some key aspects of treadmill workouts:

a. Convenience: The treadmill's accessibility is a significant advantage, allowing users to exercise regardless of weather conditions or time constraints. This convenience makes it easier to maintain a consistent workout schedule.

b. Customizability: Treadmills offer adjustable speed and incline, enabling users to tailor their workouts to specific fitness goals. Whether aiming for fat burning, endurance training, or interval workouts, the treadmill can be adapted to suit individual needs.

SupeRun recently launched a new smart treadmill that can link to a fitness app - PitPat. People can compete with anyone and have trianing courses on it.

superun smart treadmill

c. Lower Impact: Compared to some CrossFit exercises, treadmill workouts generally involve lower impact movements, which can be gentler on joints, making them suitable for a wider range of people, including those with joint issues.

Safety and Injury Risks

One significant consideration when comparing CrossFit and treadmill workouts is the safety and injury risks associated with each.

a. CrossFit: Due to its high-intensity nature and complex movements, CrossFit carries a higher risk of injury, particularly if participants perform exercises with incorrect form or push themselves beyond their limits. It is essential to receive proper coaching and listen to your body to minimize the risk of injury.

b. Treadmill: While treadmill workouts are generally considered safer, there are still potential risks, such as slip-and-fall accidents or overuse injuries. Maintaining proper running or walking form and incorporating rest days are essential for injury prevention.

Weight Loss and Muscle Building

Both CrossFit and treadmill workouts can contribute to weight loss and muscle building, but their approaches differ.

a. CrossFit: The combination of intense cardio and strength exercises in CrossFit can lead to significant fat loss and muscle gain. The emphasis on functional movements also helps improve overall strength and mobility.

b. Treadmill: Treadmill workouts primarily focus on cardiovascular endurance and calorie burning. While they can aid in weight loss, treadmill workouts may not be as effective in building muscle mass as CrossFit.


In the debate of CrossFit vs. treadmill workouts, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The choice between these two fitness regimens ultimately depends on individual preferences, fitness goals, and physical capabilities.

If you thrive in a community setting, enjoy varied workouts, and are looking for a challenging, high-intensity exercise routine, CrossFit may be the ideal choice for you. However, remember to prioritize safety, listen to your body, and work with qualified trainers to avoid injuries.

On the other hand, if convenience, customizability, and lower-impact exercise are your priorities, a treadmill workout routine might be the better fit. Incorporate interval training and hill workouts to increase intensity and variety while keeping your joints happy.

Ultimately, the key to successful fitness is finding a regimen that you enjoy and can consistently maintain. Whether you choose CrossFit or treadmill workouts, remember to balance your exercise routine with proper nutrition, hydration, and rest to achieve the best results and support your overall well-being.

How do I protect my knees on a treadmill?

  Protecting your knees while using a treadmill is crucial to prevent injuries and ensure a safe and effective workout. Here are some tips ...